Breathwork Service
Tips to Prepare for Your Session
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a breathwork session?
A breathwork session is a guided practice where participants use specific breathing techniques to promote relaxation, self-awareness, and emotional release. Group sessions provide a safe and supportive environment to explore deeper breathing patterns that can positively impact mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
Who can benefit from a breathwork session?
Breathwork sessions are suitable for anyone looking to reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and connect more deeply with their emotions. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, a tool for personal growth, or ways to manage anxiety and overwhelm, breathwork can benefit a wide range of needs.
How is a breathwork different from meditation?
While both practices aim to promote relaxation and self-awareness, breathwork uses active, controlled breathing techniques to influence emotional and physical states. Meditation typically focuses on mindfulness, stillness, and observing thoughts. Breathwork can bring a more dynamic and immediate shift in your emotional state.
What are the benefits of breathwork?
Breathwork can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and relaxation, enhance athletic performance, and support better sleep. For those with respiratory conditions, it can also improve lung capacity and overall respiratory health.
What is the difference between breathwork and breathing retraining?
Breathing retraining corrects dysfunctional breathing patterns for better health, while breathwork applies different breathing techniques to reach specific goals such as stress reduction or increased focus.
Is breathwork considered therapy?
No, breathwork is not therapy. It is a practice that uses different breathing techniques to reach specific goals like stress reduction or relaxation. If any emotional or physical issues arise during or after a breathwork session, it is important to consult your own therapist or healthcare professional for further support.
What can I expect to experience during a breathwork session?
During a breathwork session, you can expect to be guided through breathing exercises that may bring up a range of sensations and emotions. Participants often experience feelings of calm, heightened clarity, emotional release, and even physical sensations such as tingling or warmth. It’s a personal journey, and each session can be different.
How might I feel after a breathwork session?
After a breathwork session, it is common to feel a mix of emotions—relaxed, energised, peaceful, or even emotionally stirred. Some participants may find themselves reflecting on personal insights, while others may experience feelings of vulnerability or tiredness as they process the emotional shifts.
Will breathwork impact me in the days following the session?
It might, breathwork can have lingering effects on your mind and body in the days following a session. You may notice increased emotional clarity, improved mood, or enhanced self-awareness. Alternatively, you may feel introspective, tired, or sensitive as your body continues to process the breathwork experience.
How should I prepare for a breathwork session?
To prepare for a breathwork session, wear comfortable clothing. If you suffer from asthma, bring your asthma inhaler and stay hydrated. Reflect on any intentions or goals you have for the session. Also, be open to the possibility of emotional or physical sensations during and after the practice.
Can I do breathwork if I have a health condition?
Breathwork is generally safe for most people, but if you have a health condition (such as cardiovascular issues, respiratory problems, or anxiety disorders), it is essential to speak with your certified breathwork instructor before the session. They can provide modifications or advice to ensure your comfort and safety.
Do I need to bring anything to a Breathwork session?
No special equipment is required, we supply everything you need. Water is also helpful to stay hydrated before and after the breathwork session. Check with your breathwork instructor for any additional items that may enhance your experience.
How to I book a session?
You can book a group or solo session through our booking portal or by contacting us directly.
How much does a group cost?
A group session is $110 (incl. GST) and a solo session is $240 (incl. GST). They are currently free for existing clients.